Hello, I'm Josh

I am a full-stack web developer fluent in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, SQL, and more. Check out some of my previous work below and I'd love to connect and see how we can work together!

About Me

I am a recent graduate of the Ohio State University Coding Bootcamp, focused on full stack web development. I first got interested in coding when I discovered cryptocurrency and was insanely fascinated with finding out how it worked. I am currently 20 years old and live in Columbus, OH. My interests include travel, sports, cooking, reading, and spending time with my family, my girlfriend, and my cat Jasmine.

My Work

Run Buddy

A landing page for a run tracking application using pure HTML and CSS.

Coding Quiz

An interactive quiz that stores a high score in the browser and has a built in timer.

HTML CSS JavaScript

A quiz-taking site where users can post and take quizzes. Full stack application with working API routes for logging in, creating and manipulating data etc.

Node.JS Express.JS Handlebars.JS MySQL/Sequelize
Mortgage Calculator

I created a working reverse mortgage calculator using just HTML CSS and JavaScript as a freelance project.

HTML CSS JavaScript
Ecommerce Backend

A backend for an ecom site. Has a working server and API routes to create, edit and delete data in the SQL database.

Node.JS Express.JS MySQL/Sequelize
This Website

I Coded the website you are on right now!

HTML TailwindCSS
Awake Landing Page

A landing page I created for an app idea. Clean dark theme.

HTML TailwindCSS
Social Network API

API for a social network web application where users can share their thoughts, react to friends’ thoughts, and create a friend list. Using Express.js for routing, a MongoDB database, and the Mongoose ODM.

Node.JS Express.JS Mongoose/MongoDB

A website created using HTML, JQuery and CSS. It is a website that allows a user to search through an external database of recipes using API calls, a list of recipes is returned based on parameters such as calories and protein. You can then create a meal plan for the week using jquery drag and droppable elements.

